Saturday, June 12, 2010

New places. New faces.

Helloooooo from MILWAUKEE!!!!!

I finally found internet, but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on to update my blog, but hopefully at least a couple times a week.

I've been here for three days already! Mom and I drove in on Thursday and found a hotel to stay in for the night. It was really good to spend time together before I left, especially since I just got back from OU the day before. We had a great time! Here is my highlight of the night:

(driving to the hotel)
Erica: "Mom, what are you doing?"
Mom: "I'm waiting for the light to change"
Erica: "Um....It's a stop sign"

That may give you a clue what the rest of the night was like =) It was great! Anywho, so I moved in early Friday afternoon. This is a project with Here's Life Inner City but through Campus Crusade for Christ. The building we're staying in is called City on a Hill. Fun fact: It used to be a hospital. So, it's kind of an interesting living environment, ha! But, my team here is amazing! The staff and students are great! I already feel a sense of community. There are 19 students from all over the country, and I'm the only one for Ohio. Before I go in too much detail, I really just need to first praise God because in my last post I had mixed feelings about coming on project. But He totally changed my heart almost overnight, and by the time I got here I was ready! He's given me excitement and a heart for this city!

So this afternoon we went to Bradford Beach to evangelize. There were loads of people there because there was a Blue Angels Air Show, so we had so many opportunities to share the Gospel! We went out in pairs. The first four people Anna and I shared with were already Christians. Then we sat down with a mom, probably in her late 30s. She was hesitant to talk with us at first, but she agreed. Immediately into our conversation, she said she was atheist. Let me tell you, it was the most interesting/intense spiritual conversation I've ever had. She asked me the hardest question I've ever had to answer. Quote, "So, since I don't believe in God, are you telling me I'm going to hell?" ...Woah. No non-Christian has ever been so bold...I know the answer, but it was hard to say the truth. But we did...and she laughed....and said, "That's so much 'bs' (edited, ha!). You seriously believe that?!" She was very offended about it, and the conversation soon ended. This conversation really hit me hard. It was interesting, because before going to the beach I had a strong desire for someone to come to know the Lord today and I was desperately praying for it...and here, God showed me the complete opposite. Doesn't that just figure!? ...of course not...that's how God works, ha. But I'm really thankful for the experience, and God revealed so much to me just in that 30 min conversation. It gave me a burning passion to continue to reach out to the people in the city who are desperately in need of a Savior.

We shared for about 2 hours and afterwards had a cookout at a nearby park. It's been so much fun getting to know everyone! I'm so thankful that God called me here. I really appreciate your love, support, and prayers! Thank you so much!

Prayer requests:
*That I find a part-time job. Right now, I have a lead at Kohls. So pray I get hired, if it's God's will.
*Support Raising: I don't know an exact number but I know I still have a few hundred dollars to still raise.

Love to you all!

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