So much has happened in the last couple days! First of all, we went to an inner-city church called Bereans Family Worship Center. It was predominantly an African-American congregation with a lot of soul! =) The people were so welcoming and gave many hugs with a "God bless ya, sista"! =) I loved it! I got so much from the message, too!
This week is orientation week, so we've been in a lot of training sessions. I've learned a lot about the people of the inner city, specifically Milwaukee. I feel like I have a greater understanding. God really changed my perspective of these people, and has really been changing my heart...which is what I've been praying for...that God would break my heart for what breaks His. Before coming to Project, I admit that I had a very judgmental view of the poor. I often blamed their state of poverty because of their own irresponsibility and laziness...but God's given me the realization that it's so much more than that, and I've been trying to put myself in their shoes...but it's been really difficult...Through scripture God has shown me the importance of serving and loving the poor, and how we're instructed to do so.
This evening we went to St. Ben's Soup Kitchen. I thought St. Ben's was a very beautiful, unique cathedral. At the front of the sanctuary, on the wall, there was a large sculpture/painting (hard to describe) of Mother Mary above a group of saints from Uganda. All the artwork around the church were all African-Americans which was really neat because that church in particular are predominately African-American. A guy named Cory gave us the history of the church and their ministry with the soup kitchen which was really interesting. Afterwards, we were able to go to the kitchen and eat with everyone. The first lady I sat by was very distressed because I was there. It was hard to understand her, but she made it very clear that she did not like me being there. She was saying something like, "why are you here....i'm poor...i need food...why are you don't need're well dressed...i can't eat in peace...i can't eat in peace". I tried to explain to her why I was there, but she didn't get it. Soon she got up and left. I really wasn't sure what to think at that point. I was a little disappointed because all I wanted to do was to meet these people and learn about their lives...I sat there for a little bit alone and just prayed to the Lord. Soon after, an older man sitting diagonal from me began talking to me. He was great! I learned that he was originally from Mexico. He was open and a lot of fun to talk to! He taught me some Spanish...which I can't remember one word he taught me now, whoops...but it was really cool!! When he got up to leave, he thanked me (and the rest of Project) for being there and asked me when I'd be back. I was sad to tell him that I probably wouldn't be coming back. As soon as he left, another man (younger) came and sat by me. His name was Jarrel. He was very quiet and timid at first, but once I was able to find and question more about his interests, he just talked and talked and talked! I found out that he actually spent some of his childhood growing up in Ohio, so we had a lot in common! He said he used to love going out to his grandma's farm and playing with the horses. Through our conversation God really showed me that I am no different than the people sitting around me. We are ALL God's children and He loves ALL of us. These are my brothers and sisters...and so often I feel like I separate myself from them..."those people"...I'm so thankful that God has so clearly shown this to me and the changes I need to make within me.
Overall, I am LOVING project! I love the city. I love my team. I love the people of the city. I cannot express how grateful I am that God has brought me here, and I am SO excited to see what's in store!
Always with love...
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Good stuff E! It's such a God thing when we go serve wanting to have an impact on people's lives and finding they're impacting our lives every bit as much, if not more. Love that!