Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's a beautiful day

So much has happened in the last week that I’m not even sure where to begin. A lot of it has been good, but there have definitely been many challenges. But through everything, God has clearly demonstrated His provision! Hallelujah.

I still haven’t found a job, and I currently have no leads. I’m not sure what more to do, but I trust the Lord will provide. Since I don’t really have anything to do, I went to one of our ministry sites today and helped out our vocational team. I’d say there were about 30 kids there from the ages of 1-19. It was so much fun! We sang songs and had a bible lesson as one large group, and afterwards we split off into smaller groups. Tim and I took the 1-4 year olds. It was so awesome to play and love on them! How the adults handled the kids was different than I’m used to, but it’s all part of their culture. As we’ve been told many times, “it’s not wrong…it’s just different”. It was somewhat hard to adjust to their tactics because their methods were the exact opposite of what I’ve been taught in school of how to “appropriately” work with children. Oh! But at the end of the day, Cheryl (another project student) told me that an older girl she had been talking with had made the decision to accept Christ into her life today! WOOHOO!!! It’s so awesome to see the growth of God’s kingdom right in front of me! =)

Last night was our first weekly meeting, which is similar to our 180 service back at OU on Thursday nights. The entire staff and team (people from the community are also welcome) come together to worship and listen to a guest speaker. I was asked to lead vocals on the worship team which was really cool! I was a little nervous beforehand because I was singing a Jimmy Needham song
(“Hurricane”) with Kiera on the piano…It’s been awhile since I’ve sang alone in front of a group but what really made me nervous was that I began to lose my voice before the meeting…and to add to my nerves, I was giving my testimony to the entire group. It’s the first time I’ve shared it before in front of a large group. God totally came through and gave me the strength to sing and give my testimony! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. It was awesome…My story isn’t about me. It’s about CHRIST through me. It was great to be able to share it with others.

Praise be to God! He has been so good to me!

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