Hellooo from Milwaukee (for the last time)!
Yes, I'm sure you are all sooo disappointed this is my last blog! Or not. =) But despite whichever feelings you may have, this is my last post! Project officially ends Saturday and I will be making the long drive back to Ohio! This week has been pretty relaxed. Yesterday we spent the morning packing about 400 backpacks to give out for the upcoming school year, and we had the rest of the afternoon off. In the evening we had our last action group meeting. Erin, our study leader, was so sweet and cooked all afternoon and took us to eat by the Lake. We didn't have a typical study, instead, we had made letters of appreciation for one other person in our group and shared them with each other. It was a special way to end our last action group together. I love these girls and I will miss them when we leave. They have been such a blessing to me, and I have learned so much from each one. I thank God for the awesome unity He's provided this summer! It's been so awesome to experience such uplifting and encouraging community. I seriously cannot thank the Lord enough!
Today we had the day off. Many people from our team went sightseeing, and myself and two other girls spent the day frying at the beach! We couldn't have asked for better weather! 85 and not a cloud in the sky! Unfortunately now the three of us are limping around City on a Hill =) ahhh, what would my mother say? Actually, I think I can hear her now, saying something like "Erica, that is just stupid. That's what you get for not wearing sunscreen! (etc). Hmmm, will I ever learn? It's doubtful. ANYWHO! It was a wonderful day. Tomorrow we're spending the day cleaning City on a Hill and packing, and then Thursday we're off to the Wisconsin Dells for our retreat where we'll be meeting up with some of the staff who were here earlier on project. We're staying at the Kalahari which is a waterpark resort. It should be a good time; I'm really looking forward to it!
Overall, this summer has been absolutely wonderful, and the Lord has taught me so much! Months before coming to project, I had my heart set on an internship in Florida. I must admit that I was a little disappointed when I felt like God wanted me to come to Milwaukee instead. But I was able to come with confidence because I know the Lord works in my best interest, and I was excited knowing that He was going to use me to further His kingdom and glorify Him by serving. Coming to project really was the best decision, and I'm thankful that He brought me here! Through the last 8 weeks, I've experience a lot, and I've been able to grow so much in my relationship with the Lord. My biblical knowledge has grown as well as my desire and love for my Savior! I've been able to release the bondage to sin in areas of my life that I've struggled with for a long time, and more specifically He's freed me from dependence on anti-depressants! There aren't words to describe my thanksgiving and joy for the freedom He's allowed me to have! God really has changed my life and my heart this summer, and I'm so pumped to take everything back to campus and continue serving Him!
I want to thank those who have supported me whether by prayer or financially! I couldn't have made it here without you! I am so grateful.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2
Always with love,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Week Seven...Say what?!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7
Friday morning we were suppose to work in the community garden, but as soon as we got there, met the other workers, and pounded about 3 nails in, it started to rain...and our plans once again changed. Surprising? Not at all. It's rained a lot here actually, and there's been some bad flooding. I'll try to attach pictures. Anyways, so we spent Friday cleaning for the Hoffman's again and trying clean up the water that's come through their roof. Talk about bad timing for their family since their van also just got stolen last week. I know they'd appreciate your prayers!
So this was suppose to be our second week at God's Kidz in the Hood, but since that's still not an option, we are helping out the sister church of Hopewell. Technically it's not a VBS-type program, like we typically have done. This program is more so just to provide a safe place with activities for kids to get them off the streets. Three of the kids (all siblings) we've worked with before at Hopewell, but just recently one of their close friends was shot and killed. I've been able to form a close relationship with one of the girls, Shemirah (9), and I really do believe that God has brought us back to these same kids for this reason. These kids live in a tough neighborhood, where tragedy like this strike often...They need to know that they are loved...by us, but more importantly by Christ. Today Shemirah told me she was scared...Children shouldn't have to live in fear...My desire is that she'll come to truly know Christ, and experience the security and comfort and the abundant Life He offers! The funeral is this week...please keep their family in your prayers.
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day
Is a gift somehow, someway
And get our heads up out of this darkness
And spark this new mindset and start on with life 'cause it ain't gone yet
And tragedy's a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up
Live the life we're supposed to take up
Moving forward with all our heads up
'Cause life is worth living
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
'Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
Today we remember to live and to love
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I am what I believe
This week at the last minute our ministry team had a change of plan. We were originally supposed to go to God's Kidz in the Hood, but the mom has a medical condition and the doctor's orders were that she had to temporary send all the kids away because they're technically 'homeless'. It's a really sad situation, but we're hopeful that the Lord will heal her and the children will be able to go back soon! So instead, we decided to work in a nearby neighborhood (Jeff and Sarah's place). On Monday, we picked up trash all afternoon with the intent to share our faith with people who were just hangin' out on their porches (which is a frequent occurrence here). My group didn't get to have any spiritual conversations, but we were able to serve the Lord and the community, so overall, it was worth it! Yesterday and today we attempted to have an informal Jesus Club with the kids of the neighborhood. The first day we only had two kids come. Today, only one. There's tons of kids who live in this area, so it was very unusual that none of them were outside. It's also been a little discouraging because we're available to reach out to this community and we desperately want to pour into these children but there's not much we can do when none come. But! I know the Lord is faithful and He'll use us in any way He chooses!
Tomorrow we're going over to the same neighborhood, but this time we're helping a group made up of mostly teenagers from the city put in a community garden. We're hoping to make connections and share the Gospel working beside them all morning. Afterward, we're going out with one of the jr/high school groups that are here at City on a Hill and doing initiative evangelism all afternoon. Back on campus I've done a lot of initiative evangelism but doing it in the inner city is definitely different...you never know what to expect. But God ALWAYS shows up, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - CS Lewis
Tomorrow we're going over to the same neighborhood, but this time we're helping a group made up of mostly teenagers from the city put in a community garden. We're hoping to make connections and share the Gospel working beside them all morning. Afterward, we're going out with one of the jr/high school groups that are here at City on a Hill and doing initiative evangelism all afternoon. Back on campus I've done a lot of initiative evangelism but doing it in the inner city is definitely different...you never know what to expect. But God ALWAYS shows up, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - CS Lewis
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I'll follow you into the world
Well, this last week has been so busy – and very draining! For the last two weeks my ministry team has been at a place called New Beginnings Are Possible. It’s a youth center that runs like a day camp during the summer. The first week was golf camp, so we went to the mini-golf course and driving range every morning. In the afternoon, our team put on a vacation bible school type program. The second week we did the same program but all day (8-3). It was exhausting, but so rewarding! We formed great relationships with the kids, and it’s always difficult to leave knowing you’ll probably never see them again. But, God definitely blessed the time we had there, and for that I’m grateful. Starting on Monday, we’ll be working at God’s Kidz in the Hood. I wasn’t there for the orientation at the beginning of summer, so I don’t really know much about it. I’ll be able to give more details after Monday.
Today we had our usual Saturday outreach. This week we volunteered to help City on a Hill’s huge community outreach called the Neighborhood BBQ. It was held outside of City on a Hill’s building in two large parking lots. There was so much going on! Music/dance performances, adult activities, youth/children activities, carnival games, face painting, a prayer booth, a prayer tent, lots of food, and tons more! It went on from 1:00-5:00. I spent a lot of time at the prayer booth. I was able to meet a variety of people and heard many sad stories…but it was so awesome to sit and pray for people I had never met before. At the end of the day, one of the directors told us they had around 800 people attend! The Kingdom was expanded today, and it was so awesome to play a small part in that!
I have three weeks left before the end of project and I return to Ohio. I can’t believe how fast it’s gone, but it’s been awesome to see how God has worked in me and through me!
This song represents my heart for the city...
Today we had our usual Saturday outreach. This week we volunteered to help City on a Hill’s huge community outreach called the Neighborhood BBQ. It was held outside of City on a Hill’s building in two large parking lots. There was so much going on! Music/dance performances, adult activities, youth/children activities, carnival games, face painting, a prayer booth, a prayer tent, lots of food, and tons more! It went on from 1:00-5:00. I spent a lot of time at the prayer booth. I was able to meet a variety of people and heard many sad stories…but it was so awesome to sit and pray for people I had never met before. At the end of the day, one of the directors told us they had around 800 people attend! The Kingdom was expanded today, and it was so awesome to play a small part in that!
I have three weeks left before the end of project and I return to Ohio. I can’t believe how fast it’s gone, but it’s been awesome to see how God has worked in me and through me!
This song represents my heart for the city...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
It feels so real from the outside lookin' in
So many awesome things have happened this weekend, and I really want to share them with you! Every Saturday we do some type of outreach in the city. Yesterday, we split into five small groups. Each group went to a different park throughout the city. From there we split off into pairs and did evangelism. We (the outreach committee) decided it would be cool to let the pairs decide which method of sharing they wanted to use. Usually we have a specific tool we use each time, for instance, the Knowing God Personally booklet, Soularium, Backstory, etc. My group included Alesha, David, and Anna, and we went out to Dineen Park on the west side which is predominantly African-American. Alesha and I went out together, and during the first conversation I heard one of the coolest stories. One of the questions we asked Sherry (and her daughter) was if she had ever experienced God, and if so, how? She replied, “Ohhh yes”, and this is her story: In the recent past she was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. She said she couldn’t handle the medication they put her on. I think the side effects were pretty harsh. She was supposed to take the medication for a year before it could heal her. She prayed and asked the Lord to heal her in three months. Three months later from the day she prayed, the doctors told her they couldn’t find anything and had no explanation. She had no doubt in her mind that it was God’s doing. =) It was so awesome to hear her testimony and just spend time talking with her. Later on, we talked to another older woman named Cassandra. The first question we asked her was to give three words that describe her life right now, and her response was “not very good”…just the look on her face when she said that broke my heart. She said the only thing she wanted to accomplish in life was to take good care of her grandson, and her dream is to one day provide a house for them to live in. She said she wasn’t trying to live life to the fullest…she’s trying to live life for survival. The conversation we had hit me really hard. In the culture I grew up in, the goal seems to be to live life to fullest and it’s often done so by how high you can climb through society and in the workplace…how much money you make…what kind of house you live in…the car you drive…sending your children to college, etc. I’ve lived in a house my entire life and never once worried about ever losing it, unlike Cassandra and many other families… Our conversation really showed me the differences between our cultures, and something just isn’t right about that!
When we got back to City on a Hill, all of the teams got together and talked about the day’s events. Throughout the day, four people accepted Christ! and many seeds were planted! Which leads into another really cool story...Two girls on my team went to Cherry Park and shared the Gospel with an older lady in a wheelchair and two of her daughters. My teammates felt pretty discouraged with the conversation and felt like nothing had gotten through, but today we went to Broken Chains Ministry for church and the lady in the wheelchair showed up! Near the end of the service, the bishop’s daughter sang a song, and I noticed there were four people standing around the older lady, holding her up in a standing position. The bishop later told us that she has been in a wheelchair for so long and just wanted to be able to stand and praise Jesus! It was such a beautiful scene…she also told the bishop that she had no idea why she went to Broken Chains, but she felt like the Lord wanted her to go there this morning. It was just another awesome opportunity to see God working in the lives of the people here. Oh! And another quick story that I thought was really cool: the bishop’s son is an ex-gang member and two weeks ago he just got his license to become a minister. Isn’t that awesome?! God takes what seems like the impossible and makes it happen. Ahhhh so cool!
Phew, okay, I think that’s all I had to share! =) I would really appreciate continued prayers for our project and the people of this city. Pray that God would open doors and break down walls.
Always with love,
When we got back to City on a Hill, all of the teams got together and talked about the day’s events. Throughout the day, four people accepted Christ! and many seeds were planted! Which leads into another really cool story...Two girls on my team went to Cherry Park and shared the Gospel with an older lady in a wheelchair and two of her daughters. My teammates felt pretty discouraged with the conversation and felt like nothing had gotten through, but today we went to Broken Chains Ministry for church and the lady in the wheelchair showed up! Near the end of the service, the bishop’s daughter sang a song, and I noticed there were four people standing around the older lady, holding her up in a standing position. The bishop later told us that she has been in a wheelchair for so long and just wanted to be able to stand and praise Jesus! It was such a beautiful scene…she also told the bishop that she had no idea why she went to Broken Chains, but she felt like the Lord wanted her to go there this morning. It was just another awesome opportunity to see God working in the lives of the people here. Oh! And another quick story that I thought was really cool: the bishop’s son is an ex-gang member and two weeks ago he just got his license to become a minister. Isn’t that awesome?! God takes what seems like the impossible and makes it happen. Ahhhh so cool!
Phew, okay, I think that’s all I had to share! =) I would really appreciate continued prayers for our project and the people of this city. Pray that God would open doors and break down walls.
Always with love,
Friday, July 9, 2010
Quick update
"A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
It's been awhile since I've made a post and a lot has happened since then, but unfortunately I only have a few minutes to give an update. As I mentioned in my last post, we went out by the Lake and did outreach all day on Saturday. It was fantastic! aaand HOT!!! Talk about humidity! Phew! There were tens of thousands of people who came and celebrated the holiday. So, there were definitely ample opportunities to share the Gospel! We had a great day.
Our project is going through some pretty big changes right now. Last night we had a banquet and said goodbye to all of our staff. For the next four weeks, the students are running the project. We've all been given different leadership roles. Specifically I've been given the "Project Archivist" position with David. It includes two primary jobs: photographer and newsletter/evaluations coordinator. I'm pretty excited about it! I'm hoping David and I can come up with some pretty creative ideas to capture God's work on project!
I know this is super short, but we're leaving in 5 minutes to go to the Milwaukee Brewers' game. I'll be sure to wear my Cincinnati Red's gear =)
Always with love,
It's been awhile since I've made a post and a lot has happened since then, but unfortunately I only have a few minutes to give an update. As I mentioned in my last post, we went out by the Lake and did outreach all day on Saturday. It was fantastic! aaand HOT!!! Talk about humidity! Phew! There were tens of thousands of people who came and celebrated the holiday. So, there were definitely ample opportunities to share the Gospel! We had a great day.
Our project is going through some pretty big changes right now. Last night we had a banquet and said goodbye to all of our staff. For the next four weeks, the students are running the project. We've all been given different leadership roles. Specifically I've been given the "Project Archivist" position with David. It includes two primary jobs: photographer and newsletter/evaluations coordinator. I'm pretty excited about it! I'm hoping David and I can come up with some pretty creative ideas to capture God's work on project!
I know this is super short, but we're leaving in 5 minutes to go to the Milwaukee Brewers' game. I'll be sure to wear my Cincinnati Red's gear =)
Always with love,
Monday, June 28, 2010
He is in control...
Big news! I made the decision to switch from the workplace ministry to vocational ministry. The vocational ministry is split up into two groups. I am with team one that has five other members: Jacob, David, Anna, Gloria, and Emily. This week is going to be a little different than others. Our group is splitting up and three of us are going back the Hopewell ministry site and the other three are going to Eastbrook church. Hopewell is ministry with kids from the city, kind of like a vocation bible school but the church is putting it on for five weeks. Eastbrook has developed a really neat learning center where adults who don’t have a high school diploma from the community can come and be tutored so they can get their GED or be trained on basic computer skills. It’s a really awesome place, and the directors are wonderful! Today we went out to a nearby neighborhood and went door-to-door talking with people about the learning center and getting the door out. While we were out I was reminded that I am no longer in my secure bubble of West Liberty. Many of the women who lived there looked at us sternly and said, “you girls be careful around here!”. One person even said, “You guys know you’re in the hood now, right?”. Well, yes obviously we were aware but I think some of us have become almost too comfortable. If that makes sense…I also had an uncomfortable encounter with a man walking on the sidewalk. He was talking to me in what I would say ‘an inappropriate manner’ and looking me up and down. Blehck. It’s great to be in communities like this who are in desperate need of hearing the Gospel and I’ve come to love being around it…but safety and protection has become a huge prayer request.
So! Tomorrow half of the group will start mentoring and tutoring and the other three (myself included) will be going back to Hopewell for the week! Next week we will start a new ministry site.
I’m on the outreach team on project. Last night we had a meeting and decided to do ministry out by the lake this weekend (the 3rd). This is a huge day for Milwaukee, I guess. Every 3rd of July the city celebrates the 4th. Hundreds of thousands of people come out to the beaches and parks near the lake and set up camp for the day. At night, there’s a huge fireworks show. We plan on setting up a booth and having large tri-folds with Solarium on them. If you’re unfamiliar with Solarium, it’s a tool used for sharing the Gospel. It’s basically like a picture survey that gets them thinking about their life and beliefs which opens a good opportunity to share the Gospel. Some of us will be at the booth, and everyone else will be walking around doing the same thing. Afterwards, we’re going to cookout and watch the fireworks show. So, it’s going to be a big day and I’m really looking forward to it!
I wrote all of the previous this afternoon, but tonight, when I was talking on the phone, I was looking outside my window and right then I saw a group of five or six men beating a man on the ground…punching and kicking him…I just sat there…frozen…they left him lying in the street. I didn’t know what to do but cry…I saw a car stop and then pull away…a few minutes later an ambulance showed up. The ambulance didn’t rush off…I don’t even know if he’s still alive… I’m still in shock about it…I’ve seen crap like that on TV but never right in front of me…This is real life...This is the world we live in...My heart just breaks for them…the victim AND the offenders. God is so needed in this city!
"Do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go".
Joshua 1:9
So! Tomorrow half of the group will start mentoring and tutoring and the other three (myself included) will be going back to Hopewell for the week! Next week we will start a new ministry site.
I’m on the outreach team on project. Last night we had a meeting and decided to do ministry out by the lake this weekend (the 3rd). This is a huge day for Milwaukee, I guess. Every 3rd of July the city celebrates the 4th. Hundreds of thousands of people come out to the beaches and parks near the lake and set up camp for the day. At night, there’s a huge fireworks show. We plan on setting up a booth and having large tri-folds with Solarium on them. If you’re unfamiliar with Solarium, it’s a tool used for sharing the Gospel. It’s basically like a picture survey that gets them thinking about their life and beliefs which opens a good opportunity to share the Gospel. Some of us will be at the booth, and everyone else will be walking around doing the same thing. Afterwards, we’re going to cookout and watch the fireworks show. So, it’s going to be a big day and I’m really looking forward to it!
I wrote all of the previous this afternoon, but tonight, when I was talking on the phone, I was looking outside my window and right then I saw a group of five or six men beating a man on the ground…punching and kicking him…I just sat there…frozen…they left him lying in the street. I didn’t know what to do but cry…I saw a car stop and then pull away…a few minutes later an ambulance showed up. The ambulance didn’t rush off…I don’t even know if he’s still alive… I’m still in shock about it…I’ve seen crap like that on TV but never right in front of me…This is real life...This is the world we live in...My heart just breaks for them…the victim AND the offenders. God is so needed in this city!
"Do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go".
Joshua 1:9
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